Cryptocurrency Mining Operation in Miri’s Marina Square Shut Down Thanks to Public Alertness

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In Miri, City in Malaysia, a hidden cryptocurrency mining operation was discovered in a Marina Square shophouse. However, the people involved were stealing electricity to run their mining computers. Thankfully, the police and energy plant officials were able to shut down the operation successfully, all thanks to information from the public.

As we all know that cryptocurrency mining needs a lot of electricity, and stealing it is not only dangerous but also against the law. However, the public’s alertness was crucial in catching the culprits and stopping any further harm. Hence, this incident highlights the importance of staying vigilant and reporting anything suspicious for a safer community.

Electricity Theft on the Rise in Malaysia Due to Low Rates

In Malaysia, electricity rates are low compared to other places. However, this has led to more cases of electricity theft. Sarawak Energy, the state utility company, reported more incidents in recent years. For instance, an illegal crypto-mining operation caused the energy plant to lose around RM6,000 per month ($1,317).

Thus, the situation highlights the need to address this issue to prevent further losses and ensure a fair energy distribution system.

Stealing electricity is a serious crime under the Electricity Ordinance’s Section 33(5) in Malaysia, with potential penalties of up to RM100,000 fine and/or five years in jail if caught. Recently, Malaysian officials took action against three power theft schemes linked to crypto mining in Senadin.

Therefore, the crackdown shows the government’s commitment to curbing electricity theft and protecting the integrity of the energy system. Such measures aim to deter others from engaging in illegal activities that can cause financial losses for utility companies and disrupt the fair distribution of electricity to the public.

Combating Electricity Theft and Unauthorized Crypto Mining in Malaysia

Malaysian authorities have seized 137 ASIC devices from these locations and are actively investigating. In February 2021, seven individuals were caught stealing electricity valued at $2.15 million for Bitcoin mining. Additionally, in July 2021, officials dismantled and eliminated illegal Bitcoin mining equipment worth over $1.2 million. These incidents highlight the nation’s strong stance against electricity theft and unauthorized crypto mining.

As mentioned above, stealing electricity for mining is a serious issue, and authorities are working diligently to combat it. They take robust action against those engaged in such illegal activities. These actions result in not only financial losses but also strain the energy system and pose safety risks.

It’s crucial for everyone to understand that using electricity without permission for mining or any purpose is against the law and carries severe consequences. Responsible resource usage and adherence to rules are essential to create a fair and safe community for all.

Let’s work together to use resources responsibly and support a lawful and secure environment.

Sarawak Energy’s Vigilant Crackdown on Electricity Theft in Miri City

It is worth noting that in Miri City, Sarawak, authorities took decisive action against electricity thieves by seizing 1,069 mining rigs. They used special tools and inspection teams to gather evidence of theft, like tapping into underground cables and tampering with meters. This shows how serious Sarawak Energy is about stopping such illegal activities.

Sarawak Energy depends on the public’s help to uncover these thefts. They encourage locals to report any suspicious electricity usage to their customer care center. Thereby, public tips play a crucial role in catching those who steal electricity for mining or any other unlawful purposes.

It’s vital for everyone to use electricity responsibly and respect the rules. By working together and reporting wrongdoing, we can maintain a fair and safe community. Let’s be vigilant and stop such activities for a better future.


Live webinar speaker and derivatives (Forex, Crypto, and Indices) analyst with a broad range of skills for evaluating financial data, investment trends, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and the best ways to strategies investment selection.  Expertise: Trading Psychology; Speculative Positioning & Market Sentiment; Technical & Fundamental Analysis.